Thursday, July 23, 2009

iraqi democracy...yet to be commenced?

well, its good to find the u.s troops ultimately retreating from iraq after six years and three months search for weapons of mass destruction(WMD) .with the first priority of obama's administration now being afghanistan,the 'military surge' planned by george bush, to combat the challenges posed by the iraqi resistance force, has undergone a set a consequence to which prime minister Nouri al-maliki declared a national holiday on june 30,decked the walls with festoons proclaiming "national sovereignty day" & "independence day".

though maliki portraying the troops withdrawl as the "end of the american occupation" entirely belying the fact that still thousands of soldiers,military contractors,trainers will remain embedded with the iraqi soldiers,though the radical shia cleric claims the scene as a"mere media event",though the u.s army commander showing up article 27 of the status of forces agreement (SOFA) {which states that the u.s forces can undertake any military action against any sort of internal upheavals or external aggression} as a plausible reason for the elongation of the stay period of u.s forces for another 10 to 15 years...the current trend of outward movement of u.s occupation in iraq must have brought succor to the millions of people displaced [under the banner of "iraq's refugees" during the america's invasion in 2003,which according to united nation estimation is around 4.7 million iraqis--the 2nd biggest in the region after 1998],& also to those iraqis middle class who until now have been preferring to work abroad/ reside in the refugee camps as the country still lacks electricity,water and sanitation service [after being ruled by the vigilant u.s and u.s backed government for over a conspicuous period of time].

according to 73% of all iraqis oppose the presence of foreign troops on their washington is diplomatically making maliki to buckle under pressure,so that no referendum is held (as was proposed)...which may eventually annul SOFA and compel the u.s troops to accelerate its process of evacuating iraq much before the scheduled 2011.